Informal Advocacy Plan

What is the problem or issue? If there is more than one, focus on only one at a time.

What is your goal?

What facts do you know? 

What additional facts or information might you need regarding the situation, such as laws, rules or policies? 

How can you go about gather this information? 

Who are the decision makers that you need to influence to solve this problem/issue? 

What are some possible solutions to this problem/issue (be specific)? 

What are some barriers to these solutions?

Pick one solution and discuss the strategies and tactics you will use to achieve this solution. 

Complete the information below to assist you in initiating your action plan. 
I will call/meet with/write to ________________ by the following date: _______________.

If this person does not resolve the situation by the following date _______________, then I will call/meet with/write to _______________. 

Documentation that I will need. 

Other people who can help me: 

What I expect the other side to do: 

Strategies for what's next: 


What will I do if the strategy doesn't work?

What is the backup plan? 

What went wrong?

Why didn't the strategy work? 

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